Thursday, November 8, 2012


I prefer cold more than hot.

Whenever I'm walking under the sun, I am desperately hoping for a rain.

However, I admit that I am kinda contradictory because I don't like the weather these days as its raining cats and dogs everyday.

I encountered a car accident few weeks ago in Kajang. When I was getting ready to make a left turn at a T-Junction some where around Satay Kajang, an Uncle which was driving his Accord, hit my left side doors.

End up making report in the police station opposite Satay Kajang, and it wasted my time for like 1 and half hours inside the police station. Worst thing is my car need to park at the workshop to repair for a month @@

Mr SKY, please end the raining season as soon as possible!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012










Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Its been some time that I didn't update my blog since the last post about FOODS!!

In this month, I'd gone through Happy and Sad moment...

HAPPY moment:

I went to Scotland for 4 days 3 night trip.

29 JULY 2011- 30 JULY 2011

I'd waited long time for the arrival of this exciting day!! Why?? Going to SCOTLAND!!! A trip to get everything off from my mind... We departed from our HOSTEL at 11pm, reached Edinburg around 6am...

Half way, the bus stopped at somewhere... And we saw Angel of the north!! Its a very huge Angel's statue... Unfortunately the sky was too dark, we couldn't see her clearly...
The 1st image is blurry shown how's the Angel looks like...
The 2nd image is clearly shown how's the Angel looks like...
Guess what? The 1st image captured by my Canon Ixus I-zoom 5 mgpx... The 2nd image captured by DSLR... See the different rite? lols... Im going save money for a DSLR from now on =D

After Angel of North, we reach Newcastle to have a look on the beautiful bridge...
As usual, I am hungry!!! What i ate???... hmm
I ate a BOILED EGG that I prepared!!! Hahahas its cool :p

Next of all this, we reached Edinburg... It's a precious experience where we whole bunch of tourist brushed teeth and washed face in a public train's toilet == It was a unique experience !!

Hung around Edinburg for like 5 to 6 hours ( I can't really rmb), and its time to check in our hotel... The hotel is nice, with 1 twin bed and a sofa inside our room... I slept with 2 girl... Embarrassingly, I was snoring loudly which I actually totally no idea on it (of coz). I think i need to get a consult from doctor ><

31 JULY 2011

It was a tiring day as we actually climbed up to a mountain which it took 1 hour + to reach the top of it... Nice view from top of the mountain!! I saw many huge pieces of BLUE sea and GREEN forest!!! It's amazing!!

1 August 2011- 2 August (Last day)

We'd been to a lot of places this 2 days... A picture give a thousand meaning, so i will leave the rest of my journey in Scotland by showing pictures on Facebook!! ( Hopefully with illustration on every single picture :)

SAD moment

3 August 2011

This is a day that I'm officially start my turbo engine for CIIB individual assignment... It was stress and I have to proclaim that, ASSIGNMENT made me lifeless!!! I mean I have to face the computer and books for whole day, searching for relevant info... Its actually boring and lame... Was hoping to go DISCO/CLUB/PUB but however if i did, I would felt guilty... Therefore i choose to face assignment alone in stead of moving myself into crowd- CLUB

4 August 2011

Assignment brought to me tons of stress... However today is a sad day for me that ruin my mood to do assignment...

My Uncle passed away...

When I received the dead news of my uncle from my dad, I wish that I were in Malaysia at this moment... My Tears drop once my dad told me... Even shocked that I got to know from my dad, its my uncle has 2 wife... My aunty is actually a 2nd wife and he has had a 1st wife (with 2 daughter and 2 son) 3 to 4 years earlier than marrying my aunty...

I couldn't convince myself that this is actually a truth... I cried and cried for the whole morning and got totally mad and moodness for my assignment... I wish to fly back to Malaysia but I can't and its too late... So I can only facing the 4 walls in my room and cry... cried on bed, cried on floor, cried on chair ...

I end up with a word "Confuse"... I should actually angry or sad?? I admit that I was angry becos this is a big buzz for me... Its like so dramatic cos usually this kind of thing will only happen in DRAMA / MOVIE...

However, my sadness exceeded my anger... Thinking back to childhood time, my uncle treat me good... He treats my aunt good also... My aunt traveled to the piece earlier than my uncle... Perhaps this is better because at least my aunt won't need to face this truth... So lastly i choose to forgive my uncle... I believed that if he got chance, I'm sure that this is not what he want...

I totally can't control my emotion... Conversely, I can't hate him because of this... I shall look back to his past... Indeed, he is a good uncle in my heart, thus i choose to remain this good uncle image inside my mind...

R.I.P Uncle...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Monday, June 27, 2011


大风吹下吹下, 从我更新 blog 到现在,又过了二十天了!!! 就是说我在这里已经快要一个月咯!!!

时间真的过到很快很快... 我已经去了三个地方一日游了!!!

York, Manchester United and Cambridge!!! 但是我发现,去旅行的地方好像一次比一次差咯... 第一次还好,参观很多有历史性的建筑物...

第二次, 参观了全世界所有人都疯狂的足球场... 球场真的很大, 很壮观!!! 看到很多奖杯... 这次还好,有得参观球场... 但是第三次就....

第 三次就是 cambridge 咯,这个地方有很大片草园... 当天, 有好多好多的英国人 趴在草园上晒太阳及看书... 还蛮自由自在的咯!!! 但过后去了市中心,也不觉得很特别... 也许之前去了 york 和 manchester 吧, 所以之后去的那些地方都不觉得怎么样...

今天 26/6/2011, 真的很够热!!! 昨晚睡觉,还满身大汗啊!!! 竟然只有26度!!!! 明天还会到 30 度咯!! beh tahan!!

前天星期五去了一个party- La Fiesta!! 晚上十点到早上三点... 看到很多不同国家的人!!! 还算不错,但歌曲方面需要改进... 我就放些照片让大家欣赏吧!! =D

哈哈哈!! 好看吗?我也跟很多外国人拍照一下哦? xD
好!! 迟点再放照片... 这堆照片也许有部分的人在facebook看不到,因为我朋友 edit 了 security setting... 所以我 post 在这边!! 再见咯!! 晚安 :)

Monday, June 6, 2011


从我第一天到达英国到现在,我终于有时间更新我的blog咯!! 其实每天过了傍晚九点都得空的,但是因为一回到房都很累,而且另一天又要上九点的课, 所以一直到现在,终于有空写咯!!! 明天星期日,及后天星期一都没上课!!! 可以睡到够够了!! 这几天都是十二点睡, 然后就六点多起身.... 快累坏了!!




我的机是 Etihad 的, 是一辆回教飞机. 第一趟是从吉隆坡飞往abu dhabi. 我本来想到我这辆飞机应该是很宽,很大的吧!! 但是没想到它竟然是非常窄的!!

只要我的脚稍微伸一伸, 就能顶到前面的椅子. 蛮辛苦的!! 冷汽又不冷哦... 还真的很辛苦咯!! 但是一坐就坐了整七个钟,然后终於到 Abu Dhabi 机场!! 这个机场没有我想象的那么大... 在哪里带了整两个小时,然后就继续飞了.... 我总共吃了六轮的飞机餐... 全都不会说很好吃的 @@

继续飞了整八个钟,终于到英国咯!!! 一到manchester 机场,拿了行李就见到很多外国人,拿着纸板,写着不同的大学名字... 我们就认我们的,然后就跟着.... 一站出机场,冷风就阵阵吹来, 冷死了!!

我们上了大学巴士, 就一直到了宿舍才下车... 路途感觉非常陌生... 到了宿舍,就点名了.... 分房过后,第一时间就是参观房... 我还很满意这个宿舍... 每间房有一个厕所,而且也很大间...

放完东西过后,我就和朋友去吃午餐... 这餐真的吃到很难忘,因为我们有五个人.... 才吃一碟鸡胸和署条... 因为英磅是马币的五倍嘛,所以我们必须算好来才吃... 哈哈哈哈!!!

我们上课的第一天... 大学的学长们带我们参观大学.... 这个大学真的很大,而且他们都很为残障人事着想的,因为每一个门的外面及里面一定有一个开关按钮让他们开门的... 参观完大学后,我们就去买票...什么票呢?就是每个星期六,一日游的票... 总共有七个地方... YORK, MANCHESTER UNITED, CAMBRIDGE, OXFORD, WITSBY, BLACK POOL & NOTTINGHAM.

York 是我们第一个一日游... 这个地方的建筑物全部都很有历史性的... 是一个不错的地方...


我已经习惯这边的环境了... 只是这里的温度不定,有时候十多度, 有时候二十度... 试过最冷的一次是五度... 但是不管几冷都好,我想我都渐渐习惯了...

关于老师方面,还后我能听得懂... 只是有一位老师的音特别重,比较难听。

好,大致上我都很满意这边的环境。。。 只不过食物方面我觉得还是不够马来西亚的好吃。。。就写到这里,我还会在更新的。

Friday, June 3, 2011

飞咯 !!

大多数的同学都飞走了... 省下我和丽珊要等到拜六才能高高兴兴飞去英国...


好: 当我们到的时候,至少不用慌慌张张,不知到要做什么... 因为早到的同学们会帮助我们=D

坏: 很赶咯!! 因为4号飞, 5号到, 6号开学 ==
真的很赶时间咯... 但是我想我应该不会因为时差而睡不着... 因为我做惯猪 xD
所以说,如果习惯了睡觉....不管去到哪里, 什么时候, 睡觉一定不会成问题!!! 哈哈

我的行李都准备好了! 很潇洒的,我只有一个行李和一个带上飞机的小背包.... 哈哈!! 大行李才20公斤吧了!! 其实我带很多东西的,但是不懂为什么这样轻...

我想在未来四个月里面,我会很勤劳的更新我的blog, 好让我在英国发生的事情有个记载... 同时也可以分享我的快乐与不快乐 =D

我今天很开心,因为去了打保龄...然后在 Starbuck 喝茶... 很享受叻!! 感觉很 free!!! 明天又有 farewell, 觉得很高兴咯因为有很多关心我的人!哈哈!